
Layout requirements

General information

We accept layouts created on either PC or MAC platforms.  Layouts can be submitted via email, file sharing, or the following media CD, DVD, USB flash drive.

If your layout has ever been printed, samples should be provided.

Layouts should be created in the following versions of the following programs: Adobe Illustrator CC or lower (ai, eps extension); CorelDRAW X6 or lower (cdr extension).  If raster images are used in the layouts, they must be transferred to Adobe Photoshop CS6 or lower (extension – tif, psd).

Providing layouts in formats not listed above will be negotiated on an individual basis.

Layouts created in Word, Excel and similar programs are not accepted.

Layouts in jpg, bmp, wmf, etc. format are not full layouts and are considered sketches.

Vector images

All logos, trademarks and special marks are accepted only in vector form.

The color model of all vector elements (fills and outlines) must be CMYK or PANTONE.

The intensity of each color in the fills (gradient or solid) should not be less than 2%.

If you use special colors of the PANTONE system in the layout, the corresponding elements should be painted in these colors and their numbers should be indicated in the legend according to the PANTONE Solid Coated Catalog.  The thickness of lines (curves) should be at least 0.15 mm (0.425 points) for one color; at least 0.3 mm (0.85 points) for two or more colors: reversed type – at least 0.26 mm (0.737 points).

No more than 1000 knots on one line (curve) are allowed.

Small elements should not be dyed in a complex dark color or run on the reversed type of two or more colors.

Additional colorful layers (covering white or selective varnish) must be saved on a separate layer.

Overall dimensions and dimensions of the photo label must be indicated on the layouts. If necessary, a packaging diagram should be provided with the dimensions of the back, front and sides of the label, as well as the area for soldering (gluing). Any important information should be located at least 2 mm from the edge of the cut layout and at least 5 mm from the solder area.

Raster graphics

Raster images must be included in the layout without fail.

The format of raster images is TIF (uncompressed) or PSD.  Image resolution is not less than 300 dpi, in layers (if any were used in the process of layout development), the color model is CMYK (it is possible to use Spot Channel painted in PANTONE colors, and their numbers should be indicated in the legend according to the PANTONE Solid Coated catalog).

The density of the fills of each color used in the layout must be at least 2%, otherwise the image will appear “broken”.

Text and fonts

The texts in the layout should be provided in curved form and in editable text form, preferably in two separate files or on different layers.

The font size for text information should be at least:

  • 5 pt (1.8 mm), 0.24 mm for reversed type;

  • 4 pt (1.4 mm), the reversed type in triad colors and light (pastel colors) of the pantone is 0.12 mm;

  • 4 pt (1.4 mm), for straight text;
  • 5 pt (1.8 mm), when printing text with metallic inks or white ink.

Small texts should be made in one color!  Texts consisting of two or more colors should have a line thickness of at least 0.3 mm.